DS1MR - Find Your Balance In-depth
We continue with our 1 minute resource and this one is on Finding Your Balance.
What is your Balance? What does Balance mean to you? We invite you to watch our video and let us know what you do to be in balance.
More in-depth dynamics: There are many things that can take you out of your balance whether about you directly or with someone close to you. There are sometimes you don't know what to do when something manifests in your life and you feel out of balance. I bet you do know how you want to feel overall and that usually is to feel good, feel better than what you feel out of balance.
What can you do right now to feel more in balance? Be open to taking mini mental vacations that have you focused on appreciating what you do have that makes you feel good, all the things you have to be grateful for, the good that exists in your life, the memories that make you smile, doing a meditation, listen to music, watch a feel good show, making a list of your feel good things and refer to it often can help, going in or near nature and water, being around young kids, anything that takes you out of thinking about what is not in balance for you if only for a few minutes at first, then do this several times a day.
The change starts from within first. You may not be able to ‘change’ your circumstances right away but you can find your balance in them one thought at a time. Instead of complaining (which only brings more complaints because of law of attraction) ask yourself how can I look at this differently? How can I tell a new story around this? Has there been any gifts come out of this? Has there been anything that I am not willing to look at because I am so focused on being out of balance or on the problem?
One of our resources is affirmative statements. Self-talk is very important. ‘Knowing’ statements such as: I choose to find my balance, I am open to finding my balance, I be in balance as a mantra can be helpful, that ‘go to’ statement that turns things around in the moment. Sometimes saying ‘I am’ something doesn’t feel right, but being open to or choosing to, works better.
Focusing on what is, does not help you or anyone else involved unless it feels good. What do you want instead? That will help with finding your balance.
Aware thinking may take some time to get used to because you are used to thinking a certain way, expecting certain results, which is just a habit of thinking. Aware thinking means you understand this is in your life for a reason, so what do you want to do about it? It's an opportunity for you to find your balance and be more of you and your dynamic self.
Its time to know that its going to be okay. You got this! What else is possible for you that feels good and is in balance for you?
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